Citation - Independent Chronicle: 1778.03.12

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Index Entry Boyd, James, article opposed to dancing school 
Location Bridgewater 
12 Mar 1778:41 (10/499)
[Ed: The following is in very small type, has a number of
misspellings, and is much blurred.  The editor of the paper
appears to have had little sympathy with the submission.  He
included the unusual note "(Paid for." at the bottom and
seems to have typeset it exactly as he received it. 
Following is my best effort to make out the words. I have
retained capitalization as it appears.]
Mr Powars and willi's Please To give This a Place in your
To The attendants of Mr Boyd.s School,
Gentlemen and Ladies, I would most Earnestly Beseech you to
peruse the following Lines with Deep Consideration and I
trust I shall not Write in Vain
Mr. Boyd in Particular. sir you have Been Bold To Publish
your Desire in animating The Sins of This Distrest people
Which Must Be Disagreeable To Every Considerate Parson or.
att Least To Evry friend to Religion Which I fear are Very
few tho sir There is a time for Evry purpose under the sun
yet sir you must, Be assured this Time of Distress is not a
time To Dance. Were not. Evry Rational creature (in New
England) Know, that it is for our sins That God is so
sharply Chastising us and o. my friends.  If. we Thus
continue and increase these God Provoking sins what, must we
look for next.
Therefore o my friends.  Be intimated I Beseach you to Turn
your Dancing to Prayer and your Lewdness to. Lamentations
I Do most. earnestly intreat you not To Be [   ], in the
Land But o ye attendents of The School Be persuaded To Turn
from the Road that Leads To Death.  To forsake the foolish
and Live and go in the way of understanding.  and may God
almighty in infinite mercy Turn us. from such Cuying sins.
and make us the Happy People whose God is the Lord. which is
the most. Earnest. Prayers of, gentlemen and Ladies your
Ever. wellwisher. and Humble Servant. [signed] William
Dated att. Bridgwater march 3d. 1778.
o All my friends who Do. incline To Dance
In such a Day as This give me a chance
To Drop a word To you. within your Heart
Whether you think you act. a wiser Part.
Can you my friend. Look for success To God
& Do you Never groan Beneath his Rod
O, senseless mortals By me Be Controul.d
Lest God in Vengence tare your guilty souls
Gentlemen Please to give this a Place at. the foot of The
within written   (Paid for.

Generic Title Independent Chronicle 
Date 1778.03.12 
Publisher Powars and Willis 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0017676
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